صور تعبرلا عن بشاعة التلوث

السلام عليكم في درس جديد ومميز سنريكم بعض الصور المعبرة عن بشاعة التلوث اثاره في مجتمعنا و تاثيره على البيئة.

National Willamette forest, Oregon (USA), 99% deforested

The Yellow river in Mongolia is so polluted that it’s almost impossible to breathe near it

Ken River oil field, California (USA) – exploited since 1899

Fire at oil platform in Gulf of Mexico, April 2010

Landscape full of trash in Bangladesh

Indonesian forest transformed into palm plantation

Part of the Amazonian jungle in Brazil, burnt down to be “repurposed”

World’s biggest excavator, Bagger 288, used to extract coal in Tagebau Hambach strip mine (Germany)

Landfill in Accra (Ghana). Our electronic rubbish usually ends up in Third-World countries

Mexico City landscape, 20 million inhabitants

Albatross killed by excessive plastic ingestion in Midway Islands (North Pacific)

Landscape covered in greenhouses , Almeria (Spain)

Tar-rich zone in Alberta, Canada destroyed by mining and toxic wastes
