اشخاص يكررون نفس الصور التي التقطت قبل سنوات عديدة

نرى ان هته الصور اصبحت عديدة في الانترنت واصبحت تنشر بكثرة وهي اخذ صورة من الصغر وتكريرها في نفس المكان ونفس الطريقة وموقع توسع بافكارك احضر لكم مجموعة من الصور التي تتكرر عبر السنوات والان دعونا نتابع الصور

Superhero days.

then now 1

2. Seventeen years later, not much has changed.

then now 2

3. Nice pose after 23 years.

then now 3

4. Brother and sister. Not quite as cute as before.

then now 4

5. This kid never learned how to eat an ice cream cone. But still best friends.

then now 5

6. LOL

then now 6

7. A boy and his dog all grown up.

then now 7

8. Those pants didn’t work then… or now.

then now 8

9. 28 years later, her drink of choice has changed.

then now 9

10. Still best friends. <3 h3="">
then now 10

11. After 23 years, his Dad still scares him.

then now 11

12. A girl and her kitty.

then now 12

13. A girl and her dog.

then now 13

14. Another girl and her dog.

then now 14

15. Dad’s graduation, then son’s graduation. Awesome.

then now 15

16. Still mom’s kitchen helper, but slightly more awkward.

then now 16

17. That is the same man in the same place. A split photograph.

then now 17

18. Starting her piano lessons… and now a master.

then now 18

19. Kitty all grown up. :)

then now 19

20. Spaghetti was never her thing.

then now 20

21. Twenty-nine years later, Mr. Serious and Mr. Goofy are still BFF.

then now 21

22. Puppy love becomes true love. <3 h3="">
then now 22
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